Thank you - Happy Thanksgiving

November 28, 2013

Can you believe a year has already passed? It feels like it was only yesterday when we were surrounded by family and friends sharing a turkey dinner together, watching the steam rise from the turkey, clashing wine glasses and laughing our heads off until we started tearing up as if we were cutting up a giant onion.

Gratitude, love, joy, kindness are all common words we often see, hear and feel during Thanksgiving, but why does it only last a few days? I've learned that when you start focusing on what you have and not so much on what you don't have, your world will change forever.

Start counting your blessings on a daily basis and truly be thankful for even the smallest things in my life. Write down what you're grateful for, practice single acts of kindness daily, build relationships, say thank you, and put yourself second.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! Comment below what you are thankful for.


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