Pumpkin Fried Rice Recipe

June 20, 2014

Japanese Pumpkin Fried Rice
(makes 6 servings) 

- 2 carrots, 1 onion, 1 kabocha squash, 2 cups of jasmine rice, 12 pieces of shrimp or 3 sausages of your choice (or bacon), soy sauce, sesame oil, 3 garlic cloves, salt and pepper

1. Dice carrots, onion and green onions.

2. Cut the kabocha pieces into small cubes.

3. Boil the chopped kabocha pieces in water and add some kosher salt for taste.  

4. Sauté the chopped onion and carrots in olive oil and garlic until golden brown.

5. Scoop desired amount of rice into large pot and combine all the ingredients

6. Add desired soy sauce and sesame oil for taste. 

7. Mix all the ingredients and serve.


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